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Group Funding Case Studies

Have a look at Group Funding Case Studies to explore our portfolio of success in issuing Financial Instruments for global traders, manufacturers, and contractors. Our case studies depict the way we follow to provide a different range of trade finance services on behalf of our clients globally.

Whether you are in need of a Letter of Credit, Standby LC, or Bank Guarantee, we will always extend our support towards you to conclude your business at the right time. Feel free to contact us to discuss your trade finance requirement with us.

Recent Group Funding Case Studies

target="_self">Letter of Credit Issuance to Import Copper Millberry Wire Scrap from India - Group Funding

Letter of Credit Issuance to Import Copper Millberry Wire Scrap from India

A Dubai trader required Letter of Credit to import copper wire scrap from India. Since their bank facilities are exhausted, they decided to get help from Letter of Credit providers in Dubai. While searching for LC Providers, one of the broker in Dubai referred Group Funding to the trader. The trader & the broker visited our office to discuss their LC transaction.

The Dubai trader had a fruitful discussion with our CEO & he explained our LC process in detail. The client understood our process & signed the service agreement & paid the required charges. And then we worked on their LC deal and issued the required LC from our European Bank account within 48hrs.

Japan Trader Imported Bitumen from UAE Using LC at Sight - Group Funding

Japan Trader Imported Bitumen from UAE Using LC at Sight

The Japan buyer required a huge quantity of Bitumen of high grades of 40/50, 50/70, 60/70, 80/100, and 85/100 to supply in a domestic market. To import Bitumen from UAE, the buyer required LC at Sight. Further, to get LC at Sight on their company’s behalf without paying cash margin, they decided to get help from us.

Once we received the LC request from the buyer, our team analyzed & approved their request. After getting the service agreement signed & the required charges are paid, we structured their LC deal & sent the LC draft. Finally, we issued the LC from our European Bank account, as per the LC draft approved by the buyer.

Sudanese Buyer Imported S30 Sugar from India Using SBLC Payment Term

Sudanese Buyer Imported S30 Sugar from India Using SBLC Payment Term

A Sudanese Buyer required SBLC to import S30 refined sugar from India. To avail MT760, the buyer contacted their bank; but the bank declined their request, as they didn’t have enough cash funds to meet the banks’ demand. So they decided to get help from SBLC Providers and submitted their request to us. 

We studied their trade deal and agreed to provide the required MT760 from our bank account. After receiving service charges and issuance fee charges, we worked with our European Bank and issued the SWIFT MT760 to their supplier’s bank account within 48 hours.

Issued Letter of Guarantee to Win Worthy Building Projects

Issued Letter of Guarantee to Win Worthy Building Projects

A Contractor from Dubai required Letter of Guarantee to submit their tender for a new high-storey building project. Since the developer demanded Bank Guarantee to honor the terms of the bid, the contractor required Bid Bond on their company’s behalf. So, they searched for Bank Guarantee providers and contacted us with their BG request.

We did a careful analysis and approved their guarantee request. The contractor signed the service agreement and paid the charges required. Finally, we instructed our bank to issue the Bid Bond Guarantee to the developer’s bank account via SWIFT MT760.

Issued Swift MT700 On Behalf of Turkish Buyer to Import Cow Hides from USA

Issued Swift MT700 On Behalf of Turkish Buyer to Import Cow Hides from USA

A Turkish trader who runs a leather product manufacturing unit required Swift MT700 to import Wet Salted Cow Hides from USA. Since the bank demanded 100% cash margin to issue the DLC, they decided to get help from Letter of Credit Providers. They advertised their requirement in all Facebook Groups and we came across with their Ad.

Our team contacted the buyer with a FREE quote. Since they agreed with our terms, we signed the service agreement with them. Once they paid the LC issuance fee, we instructed our bank to issue the required LC to the supplier’s bank via Swift MT700.

Indian Trader Availed Usance LC to Import High Tech Thermal Cameras from Dubai

Indian Trader Availed Usance LC to Import High Tech Thermal Cameras from Dubai

An Indian trader required Usance LC to import high tech thermal cameras from a Dubai supplier. Since they faced lack of bank facilities to avail LC from their bank, they started searching for Letter of Credit Providers to avail LC on their behalf. And, they contacted us with the reference of the Dubai supplier.

We studied the client’s request and approved to issue the LC on their behalf. The client signed the service agreement & paid the service charges & the LC issuance fee. Finally, we instructed our bank to issue the Usance LC on behalf of the Indian trader to the supplier’s bank via Swift MT700.

Chinese Trader Availed SBLC MT760 to Get Import Credit from Their Bank

Chinese Trader Availed SBLC MT760 to Get Import Credit from Their Bank

A Chinese trader decided to import cars from Germany to expand their business. So, they contacted us to avail SBLC MT760 in favor of their company. Being SBLC Providers, we clearly explained our SBLC Process to the client. Since they obliged with all our terms, we signed the service agreement with them.

Once we received the service charges from the client, we worked with our bank and structured the SBLC and sent the draft for their review. Further, after receiving the SBLC issuance fee, we instructed our bank to issue the SBLC in their company’s favor via MT760 SWIFT.

Dubai Based Construction Company Availed Payment Guarantee in Construction

Dubai Based Construction Company Availed Payment Guarantee in Construction

Dubai based construction company got a worthy building contract from one of the developers in UAE. To mobilize the work and to meet the initial cost of the project; the contractor required Advance Payments from the developer. Further, for this, the developer demanded the contractor to provide Advance Payment Guarantee in their favor.

The Contractor contacted us with their requirement. And then, we approved their request to provide the bank guarantee on their behalf without blocking cash funds. As per their request, we worked on their deal and issued the bond from our bank account via MT760.

UAE Contractor Received Performance Guarantee to Sign a Worthy Building Project

UAE Contractor Received Performance Guarantee to Sign a Worthy Building Project

A UAE Building Contractor required Performance Guarantee to sign a worthy building project in Dubai. Since they didn’t have cash liquidity, they didn’t found any ways to avail it from their bank. So, they decided to get help from private Performance Bond Providers and found BWT on Google and contacted us with their request.

We performed a detailed study on their contract and agreed to provide Performance Bond on their behalf.  Accordingly, after receiving the charges and other legal documents, our bank issued the required guarantee on their behalf and in favor of their developer.


UK Company Availed SBLC From Us for their Steam Coal Deal

Group Funding Case Studies

A UK based company wanted to import steam coal from Indonesia to supply it to the local end buyers. For that, they required a Standby Letter of Credit – SBLC MT760 on behalf of their company. So, they started searching online to find SBLC providers who can help them to avail MT760 without cash margin.

The company found BWT, as the leading SBLC Providers in Dubai via Google Ads and contacted us with their request. We helped the trader to conclude their deal by providing the required SBLC from our bank account via Swift MT760.

Letter of Comfort

US Firm Concluded Their Sugar Deal With Letter of Comfort

A US company required Bank Comfort Letter to purchase bulk quantity of Sugar from a Brazilian Supplier. Since the US Company didn’t have enough cash funds in their account, their bank didn’t provide them the required Bank Comfort Letter. So, the US trader contacted us with their BCL request.

Being a leading trade finance provider in Dubai, we approved their request and structured their BCL with our bank. And we issued the Letter of Comfort on behalf of the buyer from our bank account via authenticated Swift MT799.

Performance Bond providers

South African Trader Availed Performance Guarantee from BWT

A South African trader required Performance Guarantee to supply urea to different buyers all over the world. For this, the buyers demanded the trader to provide Performance Bond in their favor. So, the trader started searching for Performance Bond Providers; and contacted us with their request.

Further, the trader signed the service agreement; also, paid the admin charges. Then, once it’s done, we structured the guarantee as per their deal; and issued the Performance Bond on behalf of them from our bank via authenticated Swift MT760.

LC MT700

A Japan Scrap Trader Availed LC MT700 to Import Millberry Copper

A Japan trader decided to import 4000 metric tons of 99.99% millberry copper from a reliable supplier from the UK. Since the buyer didn’t have enough cash funds in their account, they decided to conclude the deal with LC payment. 

The supplier agreed to their proposal. So the buyer searched for LC Providers and found us via Facebook Group. The buyer contacted us with their request. Since we approved their request, they paid the charges and provided the documents. Accordingly, we issued the LC from our bank account in favor of the seller via Swift LC MT700.

bcl from bank

Libyan Trader Required BCL Bank to Import Drilling Rig Equipment

Group Funding Case Studies

A Libyan Trader required BCL Bank to import drilling rigs from the U.S. Exporter. Due to some financial constraints, their bank rejected their BCL request. So, the trader contacted us to avail BCL on behalf of their company to prove their financial worth.

We studied and approved their request. Then, we asked them to sign the service agreement with us. After signing the agreement & the charges are paid, we structured their BCL trade deal & notified the same to the seller’s bank via authenticated Swift Message MT799. This informed the seller that the buyer has the enough funds to conclude the deal.

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Advance Payment Bond Case Study

Real Estate Contractor Availed Advance Payment Bond from BWT

A contractor with well repute had undertaken a huge construction project. To meet the cost of the project, the contractor required advance payment. But to provide down payment; the developer demanded Advance Payment Bond in their favor to secure themselves against contractor’s default.

The contractor contacted BWT to avail Advance Payment Bond; in favor of their developer. We studied; and approved their request. Accordingly, we issued APG MT760 from our bank via Swift MT760 to the developer’s bank account. Once they received the payment bond; they paid down payment to the contractor to start the project.

BG MT760

BWT Helped a South Korean Trader to Conclude Their Oil Deal with MT760

A South Korea trader decided to import a huge quantity of crude oil from a Saudi Arabian Supplier. Also, as their requirement was quite large, the supplier demanded Bank Guarantee to conclude the deal. Since the buyer is new to the market; many banks rejected their BG MT760 request.

Finally, the buyer contacted us to avail the required guarantee. We studied their request; & found that they met all our terms; so we asked our bank to issue BG MT760 on the buyer’s behalf and in favor of the supplier. And it was issued to the supplier’s bank account via SWIFT MT760 within 2 working days. 

Standby LC

USA Trader Availed Standby LC from BWT to Sign a Gold Deal

Group Funding Case Studies

A US based trader wants to enter into the gold trade market. By luck, they also found a reliable gold trader. Since they faced few financial problems; the trader decided to conclude the deal; by providing SBLC in favor of the seller. So, they looked for options; to avail SBLC MT760 in favor of the supplier.

Luckily, the trader found Group Funding, the SBLC provider in Dubai. Also, submitted their SBLC request. Further, our team has gone through a thorough study of their trade deal; and approved their request. And then, issued MT760 on their behalf.

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